- See more at: http://www.truthvideolab.com/?p=aaronhopkins redefining your perception: June 2013

June 30, 2013

Scientific Establishment

There is a very important distinction to be made between real scientific inquiry, and false science that is used to deceive. The definition of real science is finding solutions to problems that are testable, observable, and repeatable. Through use of the scientific method (trial and error), people have invented cars, computers, telephones, and all kinds of other amazing technology and infrastructure.

However, the purpose of the scientific establishment is to act similarly to organized religion, controlling public policies and the way people believe and feel towards certain topics. Here are a couple examples of the scientific establishment directly lying to us:

- Claiming that man-made global warming is occurring when there is absolutely no evidence to support that the earth is getting significantly warmer, or that man-made industry is the cause. Also, in the 1970's, scientists scared everyone to death about the next ice age coming, and that obviously did not happen.

- Claiming that the earth is overpopulated. I realize that almost 7 billion people in the world sounds like a huge number, and it is, but the land area of the earth is incredibly huge. As an example, the entire earth's population could fit in the state of Texas, while only having half the population density of New York City!

Most government-sponsored “scientific” groups (usually alphabet-agencies such as NASA, EPA, FDA, etc) don’t produce any science that people like us can verify for ourselves. They keep their studies very self-contained, and manipulate scientific results to support their own theories of evolution, global warming, overpopulation, heliocentric universe, etc. Usually their articles are hidden in extremely confusing and complex sounding jargon to make us think that they have esoteric knowledge that few can understand.

In the religion of science, people must rely on authorities to tell the truth about life. And knowing what we know about how lies are put out there to control us, I don’t trust the scientific establishment for a single second.

June 27, 2013

Thinking Critically

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” -Ghandi

I feel that we're currently at the ridicule stage. In the past six months or so, there have been more attacks on critical thinkers than ever before. Actually, that’s good news - because it's a sign that the people in charge realize that lots of us are becoming aware of the propaganda. Simply disregarding the minority opinion won’t work anymore. Nowadays, the mainstream media is actually reporting about alleged "conspiracy theories" that would not have appeared in the press years ago.

In this NY Times article above, the author, Maggie Koerth-Baker, purports that everything on the news is 100% fact, and that anyone who questions any aspect of the news is misguided (or perhaps even has psychological issues). Of course, I don't think even Ms. Baker genuinely believes what she is writing.

It's rather encouraging to me that the mainstream media is now putting out absolutely laughable articles in attempt to silence critical thinkers. It's just more confirmation to me that the news is lying to us. The reason that the media puts out fluff pieces trying to make themselves seem trustworthy is to cover up their own lies.